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Sustainability for Products and Services

 Ecoflexx assists companies, public organizations, and their suppliers in precisely capturing, managing, and reporting the environmental impacts of their products and services, identify hotspots, reduce CO2 emissions and generate product carbon footprints as well as EU (CSRD, CSDDD) compliant reports at the push of a button.

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Ecoflexx® Sustainability Manager empowers businesses and public authorities to track and assess the carbon footprints and emissions of their products and services. It leverages AI to guide the step-by-step decarbonization of products, promotes more environmentally conscious purchasing, and enhances market success through sustainability. Additionally, it supports the management of environmentally-sensitive projects.

The Ecoflexx® Methodology, alongside our network of independent experts, offers extensive support in practical sustainability management: from the design and implementation of CO2 emissions monitoring, in production, procurement, sales, logistics, and project planning – with Ecoflexx and artificial intelligence, as well as through product-independent sustainability consulting.

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+49 (231) 44677 200
team (at)